Most Accurate Medical TV Shows

Most Accurate Medical TV show?
Diagnosis - SCRUBS!

Have you ever been watching a medical TV show and wondered what are the most and least accurate medical shows? Here’s my commentary on what does and doesn’t qualify as accurate medical TV from an actual doctor. I’ll be doing plenty of TV show review later.

(I recognize this is JD having a fantasy sequence with muppets, but it was awesome! Go here for least accurate medical tv shows.)

Definitely Scrubs. Some shows like ER or Chicago Hope started out really strong. After a while they tended to either do doctors only or people wandering into specialties that weren’t theirs – see below. The original Scrubsnot this one– was the best. There were plenty of nurses who are the backbone of healthcare working at Sacred Heart Hospital. Most of the real work is being done by nurses – thank you (mostly) ladies. You rock. The doctors actually do a lot of thinking and orders, but the nurses are the hands. In Scrubs, Dr. Turk, the surgeon, was usually the only doctor you saw doing procedures. There were even whole episodes around how powerless the internal medicine doctors felt sometimes.

Scrubs really captured what it was like to work in the hospital. Like my favorite doctors there, I too practice my slow-mo run on occasion.